Home 9 News 9 PowerPhotonic’s keynote at ILAS covers how its Light Tunnel Generator can enhance laser cutting, welding, and drilling machine performance.
PowerPhotonic’s keynote at ILAS covers how its Light Tunnel Generator can enhance laser cutting, welding, and drilling machine performance.
Laser Cutting

Dr. Steve Kidd, head of Sales and Marketing at PowerPhotonic, will give a keynote address at the 8th Industrial Laser Applications Symposium (ILAS) covering the design capabilities and scope of its recently launched Light Tunnel Generator product. ILAS attendees represent the entire, laser material processing supply chain. The industrial applications represented include additive manufacturing, welding, cleaning, drilling, cutting, and microfabrication – all of which can be enhanced with PowerPhotonic’s precision, wafer-scale optics products. This year ILAS will be held in Daventry, on the 22nd and 23rd March, where the company will also be exhibiting its laser material processing, product lines. The keynote address will take place on Thursday 23rd March, at 1.15.

Dr. Kidd, said, “PowerPhotonic’s keynote address at ILAS covers the design parameters of the Light Tunnel Generator, and its potential to enhance the performance, productivity and reliability of laser cutting machines. Most notably, their ability to cut thicker sheet metal or weld with a longer depth of focus. The Light Tunnel Generator adapts the laser cutting profiles of existing machines to give a high-power laser beam of up to four times the depth of focus. It is this which enables much thicker metal sheets to be cut and processed.”

The Light Tunnel Generator’s optical setup can be customised with diverging or converging input beam characteristics and of different diameters. These can be optimised for a range of industrial applications, supporting markets as diverse as defence, aerospace and automotive, through to oil and gas, medical, construction and agriculture.

The prestigious, Association of Industrial Laser Users (AILU) Awards, will be presented at the Symposium Dinner on Wednesday 22nd March.

For more information on ILAS 2023, please follow the link: https://ilas2023.co.uk/